Pilani can be reached either by road or by rail. Nearest railway stations are Chirawa on Western railway (16 Km) and Loharu on Northern railway (24 Km). There are regular bus services between Delhi and Pilani and Jaipur and Pilani. The buses leave Delhi from Inter- State Bus Terminal (ISBT) and Kashmiri gate. From Jaipur buses leave from Rajasthan State Roadways bus stand, Sindhi camp. Campus is very close to Pilani bus stand.
You can also take a train from Sarai Rohilla Railway Station in New Delhi (DLI) to Loharu Station (LHU).
Loharu is 26KM away from Pilani. Buses and jeeps are available from Loharu to Pilani. The BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus is very close to the Pilani bus stand.
Distance is 200 or 230 km depending on route taken and takes about 5.5 hours. There are four routes to get to Pilani (in order of preference) by road: