Page 192 - Musings 2020
P. 192
A Sweet Encounter
Sayeed Ahmed 2017A4PS0331P, Raj Sanjay Shah 2017A7PS1181P, and Burhan Boxwalla
Do you know what can really ruin your day? When you are just walking around, minding
your own business and an idiot on a bicycle decides to cycle without hands on the handlebars,
loses control, and crashes into you. It's the kind of thing that can encourage even a peaceful
guy like me, and possibly you, to adopt a violent demeanour. Until that is, a guy like me
would see that the idiot is a cute girl, seemingly the same age. It's funny how that anger
would just melt away into nothingness. However, you would still expect her to apologise.
And when she doesn't do so immediately, you might be drawn to say something like, “Nice
way to be both idiotic and blind at the same time.” In a much less dignified way of course.
The girl might rebuke you, calling you ill-bred and rude. That's because pummelling into a
guy with a heavy steel contraption is just so sweet, isn't it? Things might escalate quickly into
an argument until both she and you realize that the fall ensuing the crash bruised your right
elbow to the extent that it could be bleeding. Then you can expect a sincere apology and kind,
regretful words. She would most probably invite you to her house, which could turn out to be
nearby so that she can patch you up.
You would surely agree. It's a pretty girl. Duh.
Getting patched up by a girl, probably something you dreamed about after watching too many
movies. Now, her parents would be mad at her. Her dad might be at work so you might only
witness her mom scolding her. Now in a decent mood, you try to defend her when such a
situation arises. Her mom, regretful for her daughter's actions, might fervently apologize. She
would also offer to take you to the nearby hospital, but in a false show of courage, you would
convince her not to worry. You might even be so bold as to say how getting wounded like this
is normal for you, all the while stifling the not-so-manly yelps as the antiseptic-soaked cotton
pad stings against your bruised skin.
Hey! What would a dude have without pride? Isn't feigning toughness the essence of being a
moronic teenager? After a while, as your elbow makes you wince, you would bid goodbye
amid repeated apologies. Leaving with a smile, it won't be strange to develop a sudden spring
in your step. However, being the unlucky idiot that you always have been, you would realize
halfway on your way home that you forgot to exchange phone numbers. Going back to her
house just to meet her would be weird, considering that you barely know her. That's what you
probably would think. Like every adolescent boy, you would be concerned about appearing
too desperate.
Poor you. Not that moping would help you. You might even end up hoping for another
bicycle encounter as your left elbow is mostly intact. Days would pass. The memory of the
accident would fade away slowly. Eventually, you yourself would realize how stupid it is to
hope for another encounter and become occupied with your steady and monotonous life.
Fate, however, being an insufferable omnipotent force would intervene.