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up   the   songbook   kept   on   top   of   it.   She   searched   for   the   song   ‘Moonlight   Sonata   -   by
               Beethoven’,   one   of   the   classic   pieces   of   all   time.   The  others  were  still  clueless  and  were
               searching  around.  Nirmala  asked  her  mom  if  she  found  something.  Mrs.Shenoy  nodded  her
               head.  She  used  to  play  the  piano  when  she  was  in  school  and  was  also  quite  good  at  it.  She
               started   to   play   the   piece   as   everyone’s   attention   went   towards   her.   Suddenly,   something
               dropped  from  the  side  of  the  piano.  Suchith  hurried  towards  it  and  picked  it  up.  It  was  a  tiny
               glass   bottle   with   a   message   written   on   paper   inside   it.   It   was   the   second   clue!

               “Wow!  This  is  great!  It’s  the  second  clue!”,  Suchith  exclaimed.  “That  riddle  was  a  tough  one
               to  crack...  Well  done  mamma!  Your  skills  are  paying  off  in  a  very  interesting  way!”,  joked
               Mr.Shenoy.  Nirmala  was  jumping  with  joy  and  Grandpa  seemed  relieved  to  see  the  family
               show  progress.  Nirmala  snatched  the  paper  Suchith  was  holding  and  she  started  to  read  out
               the  second  clue.  This  time,  she  wanted  to  be  the  one  who  read  it  out  loud.  Suchith  decided  to
               let   her   do   the   task.

               ‘Go   near   the   only   door   of   the   room.
               Face   your   back   towards   it.
               Take   5   steps   to   the   right   and   you   will   see   a   painting.
               This   painting   will   lead   you   to   the   next   clue.’

               Mr.  Shenoy  walked  over  to  the  door  and  did  as  it  was  written  on  the  piece  of  paper.  But  there
               was  no  painting!  There  was  only  a  mirror!  Now  everybody  was  confused.  10  Minutes  were
               up  and  they  had  just  20  minutes  to  solve  this  puzzle  and  find  the  3rd  clue  for  the  ticket  to
               their  way  out.  Dad  was  perplexed.  He  asked  someone  else  to  give  it  a  go  once  again.  Suchith
               decided  to  go  this  time.  He  too  ended  up  standing  in  front  of  the  mirror  just  like  Mr.  Shenoy.
               Suchith   was   determined   to   solve   this   puzzle.   He   stood   there   and   observed   everything   he
               could   see   through   the   mirror.   He   saw   some   curtains   which   were   closed.   That   is   odd,   he
               thought.  There  shouldn’t  be  any  windows  in  this  room  as  it  is  completely  closed  with  only  the
               door   serving   as   a   passage.   There   were  obviously  some  ventilators  to  let  fresh  air  into  the
               room.*Whoosh*  He  opened  the  curtains  and  behind  them  was  a  painting!  The  painting  was
               really  mesmerizing.  Suchith  stared  at  it  for  a  few  seconds  and  realized  that  it  was  Vincent  Van
               Gogh’s   painting,   ‘A   Starry   Night’.   He   began   to   wonder   why   this   painting   was   there
               specifically.  Everyone  started  to  check  for  clues  in  the  painting  or  around  it.  Mr.Shenoy  told
               everyone  to  think  carefully.  “Try  to  connect  whatever  has  been  told  so  far.  Try  to  find  some
               hidden   meanings   or   any   connections   between   the   clues”   he   said.

               What   was   common   between   them?

               Suchith   realized   that   the   first   clue   was   about   a   song   named   ‘Moonlight   Sonata’   and   the
               second  one  was  a  painting  called  ‘A  Starry  Night’.  The  one  thing  common  in  both  of  them
               was  ‘Night’.  Stars  and  Moons  can  only  be  seen  clearly  in  the  night.  He  had  earlier  noticed
               something  written  on  the  wall  while  searching  for  clues.  Suchith  rushed  back  to  that  place
               and  there  it  was!  ‘Night’  written  on  the  wall  and  under  it  was  a  table  on  top  of  which  there
               was  a  typewriter.  Suchith  tried  to  type  the  word  night.  *Clink*  it  worked!  A  card  was  printed
               with  the  third  and  final  clue  written  on  it!  Everyone  was  amazed  by  Suchith’s  sleuth  skills.
               Nirmala  gave  her  brother  and  grandpa  a  high-five.  10  minutes  left  and  only  one  more  puzzle
               to   solve!

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