Page 254 - Musings 2020
P. 254


                                                     Stage   Fright

                   Pranav   Dinesh   Kumar   2017A4PS0121P,   Jayanth   Tummalapenta   2017A7PS0075P,   Roshan
                  Roy   2017ABPS1172P,   Akash   Palrecha   2017B4A30559P   and   U   Aswathy   2017ABPS1051P


               Joshua   aka   ‘The   Enigma’:   The   Magician,   30   years   old
               Valerie:   his   wife,   25   years   old

               Jonathan :    Joshua’s   best   friend,   30   years   old

               Michael:   Joshua   and   Valerie’s   child,   5   years   old


               A  small  square  auditorium  (80x  80ft)  seating  700  people,  with  1  main  entry  point  towards  the
               back   and   4   side   entry   points,  with  2  on  either  side  of  the  auditorium.  A  wooden  elevated
               rectangular  dais(60x20ft)  in  the  front  of  the  stage,  20  ft  from  either  side  of  the  room.  10  ft  in
               front  today  the  stage,  the  rows  of  seats  start  and  continue  for  20  rows  and  35  seats  in  each
               row.  A  centre  path  splits  the  two  sides  of  the  auditorium.  On  the  dais,  3  ft.  left  from  the  centre
               of  the  stage,  4  feet  from  the  stage  boundary,  there  is  a  man-sized mirror.  Six  feet  to  the  right
               of  the  mirror  is  a  table  with  the  usual  peculiar  set  of  a  magician’s  tools:  A  big  handkerchief,  a
               magician’s  hat,  a  matchbox.  1  foot  behind  the  table  are  two  chairs,  one  of  them,  half-broken.
               The  setting  is  lit  up  by  three-stage  lights,  one  of  them  flickering  from  ages  in  operation. There
               are   2   ropes   hanging   just   above   the   mirror.


               Anchor:  Ladies  and  gentlemen,  please  welcome  on  stage  the  greatest  showman  on  Earth,  The

               (The  lights  dim  and  amidst  the  theatrical  pyrotechnics  and  stage-smoke,  Joshua  ‘The  Enigma’
               appears   on   the   dais.   The   spectators   clap   politely.)

               The  Enigma:  (smiling  cockily)  A  very  good  evening  to  you,  ladies  and  gentlemen,  boys  and
               girls.  I  hope  you  believe  in  magic  because  the  events  you  will  witness  here  tonight  appear  to
               be inexplicable.

               (He   walks  to  the  edge  of  the  dais  and  quickly  jumps  off,  only  to  levitate,  defying  gravity.
               However,   the   audience   lets   out   subdued,   scattered  applause  as  to  most  of  them,  the  ropes
               carrying  the  magician  are  apparent. The  Enigma  performs  a  pirouette  in  mid-air  and  jumps
               back   onto   the   dais   to   take   a   bow.)

               The  Enigma  (winks):  This  is  just  the  beginning,  my  friends.  I  promise  you  that  by  the  end  of
               tonight,   each   and   every   one   will   lose   track   of   where   reality   ends   and   witchcraft   begins.

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