Page 275 - Musings 2020
P. 275

Mohan:   Yeah,   actually   it   was   in   my   coat's   pocket.

               Vijay:   I   don't   know   why   I   find   that   quite   suspicious.

               Mohan:   Sir,   I   had   nothing   to   do   with   the   robbery.

               Enter   Constable   Manohar   wearing   Khaki   clothes

               He   hands   over   a   file   to   the   Inspector

               Manohar:   (Whispering   in   Inspector’s   ear)   Sir,   the   fingerprints  we  found  in  the  art  section
               have  matched  completely  with  Mohan  and  Karthik.  The  manager  also  saw  these  two  carrying
               a  backpack  in  the  gallery.  While  going  through  their  financial  records,  we  also  found  a  huge
               deposit   of   money   in   both   their   bank   accounts   of   1   lakh   each.

               Vijay:   (Whispering)   Thank   you,   Manohar.

               The   constable   leaves

               Vijay:  So,  Mohan,  the  manager  says  you  had  a  backpack  with  you  when  you  arrived  at  the
               gallery.   May   I   know   what   was   in   it?

               Mohan:   Sir,   I   had   my   camera   and   had   sneaked   in   some   food.

               (Softly   and   leaning   in)   You   know   they   don’t   allow   any   outside   food   in   the   gallery.
               Vijay:   Ah,   I   see.   Who   did   you   interact   with   during   your   time   at   the   Gala?

               Mohan:  Well  let’s  see,  I  remember  talking  to  the  artists  and  a  few  photographers.  One  of  the
               artists   was   a   school   friend   of   mine,   so   I   spent   most   of   the   time   catching   up   with   him.

               Vijay:   May   I   know   the   name   of   this   artist.

               Mohan:   Yes,   it   was   Shubankar   Chatterjee.

               Vijay:   As   I   recall   the   gallery   also   had   an   auction,   so   did   you   place   any   bids   on   any   painting?

               Mohan:   Yes,   Sir   I   placed   the   highest   bid   for   a   sculpture   by   artist   Jason   Manroe.

               Vijay:  Coming  back  to  the  point  when  you  reached  the  history  section  was  “The  Man  in  Red”
               painting   there?

               Mohan:   No   sir,   it   was   gone,   we   thought   somebody   bought   it   at   the   auction.

               Vijay:   You   see   “The   Man   in   Red”   was   never   going   to   be   auctioned.   We   also   pulled   the
               fingerprints   from   the   room   and   found   Karthik’s   and   your   prints   on   the   wall   where   the
               painting   was   originally   hung.   What   do   you   have   to   say   about   this?

               Mohan:   (Fearfully)   Sir,   we   must   have   placed   our   hand   on   the   wall   by   mistake.

               Vijay:  What  I  think  happened  was  that  you  entered  the  room,  saw  the  painting,  and  noticed
               that  no  one  was  around.  Then  you  both  thought  of  sneaking  it  in  your  backpack  and  making  a
               quick   buck   out   of   it.

               Mohan:   (Shivering)   No   sir!   we   did   not   steal   the   painting.

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