Page 289 - Musings 2020
P. 289

Elliot:   This   seems   familiar;   I   have   seen   this   number   somewhere.

               Tada:   Ohh   yeah,   this   is   the   Motherboard   Version   number   of   our   city.

               Elliot:(in   shock)   This   can’t   be…   It   is   the   model   number   of   the   Afghanistan   government
               system   that   I   hacked   into   last   week.   I   created  those  viruses  to  extract  the  data  from  their
               server   and   display   it   on   the   U.S.   military   systems.

               Elliot   sits   down   in   shock   with   tears   in   his   eyes.
               Elliot:  I  had  no  clue  that  I  would  be  destroying  worlds  by  hacking  into  systems.  What  have  I
               done?   How   could   I   not   see   it?

               Tada:  You  were  not  aware  that  you  were  destroying  a  universe  when  you  sent  viruses  to  this
               system,  you  were  doing  what  you  were  told  to  do  by  your  superiors,  you  were  doing  your
               duty.  Don’t  beat  yourself  over  this,  you  had  no  control  over  it,  if  it  were  not  you,  it  could  have
               been   some   other   hacker.   Whatever   happened   here   was   meant   to   be.

               Tada   looks   at   the   pendant   with   his   wife’s   photo   in   it

               Tada:   I   have   come   at   peace   with   the   truth,   it   will   be   better   if   you   do   too.

               Elliot   nods   and   uploads   the   file   on   the   CPU   unit
               A  bright  blinding  light  shines  and  wipes  out  all  the  viruses.  Only  Elliot  and  Tada  are  left  in
               the   city.

               Elliot:  There  is  nothing  left  here  for  you  now.  It’s  all  my  fault,  come  with  me,  you  can  live
               with   me   in   my   system.

               Tada:   Sure,   that   sounds   like   fun.   Let’s   go.

               Elliot   adjusts   the   dials   on   his   teleporter.


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