Page 49 - Musings 2020
P. 49
Yash Bhagat 2017A7PS0063P
Living in the Orphanage
They hold dreams and not tears.
Their smiles truer than the scriptures
Finding happiness despite the fears. Two kids sit playing in the balcony
Neglecting the past and careless about future.
While one maybe Khan, other might be Tripathi
People here don’t differentiate on the basis of culture.
I the caretaker, sometimes
Still remember that day
When screams of women and kids
Echoed in city through every alleyway.
Every crossroad every house was vandalized
And the kids left on the road crying.
With their parents killed and lying on the ground
Scenes which they saw were more than horrifying.
That day, preachers of peace roamed the city
With swords in one hand
Blood dripped though whose edges.
From the tip to the holy armband.
The kids here don’t remember
The screams and screeches that filled the alleys
But believe in a world where the
Last name doesn’t carry their identities.