Page 128 - Musings 2020
P. 128


                                            The   Hell   and   The   Heaven

                                   Aditya   Upadhyay   2017A7PS0083P   and   Kamal   Khemka   2017A1PS0691P

               “Ladies  and  gentlemen,  as  you  all  know  how  THE  PANEL  has  taken  control  of  the  Earth  and
               brought  prosperity  and  peace  thereafter.  The  world  is  now  divided  into  the  East  and  the  West,
               with  the  East  consisting  of  the  people  who  live  in  a  dreadful  and  miserable  condition,  suffer
               hardship  until  they  provide  enough  services,  and  earn  enough  credits  to  be  considered  for  an
               upgrade.   While   we   here   in   West   enjoy   the   hardship   that   we   suffered   in   the   East   for   the
               betterment   of   the   earth….”   the   man   on   the   TV   screen   said   in   a   monotonous   and   dull   voice.

               “Millie,  could  you  please  turn  off  the  TV?  Why  do  they  repeat  the  same  thing  all  over?  I  am
               really  frustrated  hearing  all  this  shit.  I  am  on  the  balcony  if  you  want  something  just  call  me.”
               Jhanvi   said
               It’s  the  time  of  the  evening  when  the  sky  is  full  of  birds  chirping  their  way  home  to  their  nest.
               The   environment   is   filled   with   the   sounds   of   children   playing   and   shouting   through   the   street.

               “Milli,  can  you  bring  me  a  cup  of  tea?  The  weather  is  so  calm  today  isn’t  it”  Jhanvi  said  from
               the   balcony.
               “Yes   Ma’am”   She   replied,   handing   over   the   cup   of   tea   to   her.
               “But  still  I  miss  mama  and  papa  so  much.  Even  if  we  were  not  happy  in  the  East,  at  least  we
               were  together  there.  I  only  wish  that  they  will  also  earn  enough  credits  to  get  promoted  to  this

               Jahnvi  is  an  astrophysicist  and  an  ex-militant  for  the  women’s  force  of  THE  PANEL.  She  has
               shifted  to  this  place  recently  after  getting  promoted  by  THE  PANEL  in  rewards  of  the  deeds
               and   services   that   she   had   provided   to   the   civilisation   in   the   past.   She   has   done   a   major
               breakthrough  in  her  field  and  has  already  included  her  name  on  the  list  of  BEST  30.  She  was
               enjoying  the  sunset  and  the  nature  that  THE  PANEL  has  provided  to  its  dependents  which  all
               though  is  artificial  but  still  is  much  better  what  others  have  been  experiencing,  then  suddenly
               a  car  stops  in  front  of  their  house  and  a  man  dressed  in  grey  coat  comes  out  of  it.  He  appears
               to  be  a  tall  cyborg  with  a  metallic  left  palm.  As  he  reached  the  gate,  he  seemed  to  be  anxious
               yet   quiet.

               “Sir,  can  you  provide  your  identification,  failure  of  which  may  lead  to  your  detention  by  the
               cops”   the   machine   on   the   door   replied   in   a   male   British   accent.
               He   scanned   his   left   thumb   on   the   scanner   and   went   inside   their   house.
               “Welcome   Mr.   Varun,   what   happened   you   look   a   bit   anxious   today?”
               “Jahnvi,  THE  PANEL  has  asked  for  your  services,  which  you  must  choose  to  provide.  The
               cab   is   waiting   outside”

               The  next  moment  both  of  them  were  on  the  cab  which  was  traveling  at  lightning  speed.  All
               the  time  (which  was  not  literally  that  much)  Jahnvi  was  thinking  about  how  she  grew  up  into
               a  smart,  beautiful  yet  a  child-like  lady  who  still  dances  and  sings  on  her  own  just  the  way  she
               used  to  do  when  their  family  was  together.  Her  line  of  thoughts  was  broken  up  by  the  sound
               of   people   talking   in   indistinctive   voices.

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