Page 232 - Musings 2020
P. 232

Captain:   I   can’t   let   you   do   that   young   man;   this   doesn’t   comply   with   our   policies.

               Dr.   Anthony:   (slips   it   in)   But   murder   does?

               John:   Are   you   really   thinking   about   your   policies   right   now?   We’ve   got   to   find   the   killer!

               Mario:  (looking  at  John)  Hey  Sherlock,  let’s  not  try  to  take  the  matter  into  our  own  hands,
               let’s   just   inform   the   authorities   on-shore.

               Captain:   (Nervously)   There   seems   to   be   a   problem   with   the   radio.

               John:   Let’s   just   call   the   police   then?
               Captain:  I  guess  you’re  traveling  on  these  waters  for  the  first  time.  You  see,  you  don’t  really
               get   any   signal   in   the   middle   of   a   sea...

               (Martha   turns   blue,   John   and   Dr.   Anthony   look   at   each   other)

               Mario:  (turns  to  Martha)  Wait  a  minute!  Didn’t  you  say  you  called  your  daughter  yesterday?
               (Narrowing   his   eyes)

               John:   (Gets   up   and   puts   his   hands   in   his   pocket)   Why   don’t   you   call   her   again?

               Dr.   Anthony:(removing   his   spectacles)   Were   you   lying   to   us?

               Martha:   (Stuttering)   No,   no   I   wasn’t   lying!

               Captain:   (Moves   up   close   to   her)   Who   were   you   talking   to   then?   Are   you   hiding   something?
               Martha:   I’m   not   hiding   anything!

               Mario:   You   killed   him,   didn’t   you?   (Shouts)   Let’s   check   her   belongings.

               Martha:   (Gripping   onto   the   seat   surface)   I   was   in   my   room,   resting   like   every   other   old

               John:  Let  me  go  to  her  room  with  the  captain  and  check  her  belongings  while  you  guys  keep
               a   watch   on   her.

               (They   exit   the   room   from   the   main   door.)

               Dr.   Anthony:   You   lied   to   us  about  what  you  were  doing  last  night.  Surely  you  are  hiding
               something.  Where  were  you  last  night?  (Not  getting  any  response  from  Martha  he  puts  his
               hand   on  his  head)  Let's  just  reach  the  shore  and  turn  her  into  the  authorities  and  they  can
               handle   the   investigation   further.

               (Martha   breathing   very   heavily,   on   the   verge   of   breaking   down)

               (John   and   the   Captain   enter   the   room   from   the   main   door.)

               Captain:  (Showing  a  pair  of  gloves  and  the  cooks  knife,  in  a  deep,  heavy  tone)  You  better
               start   talking.

               Martha:  (Sobbing)  I  guess  there’s  no  point  in  denying  it  now...If  you  want  to  hear  it  then  so
               be   it. (Gritting   her   teeth)   That   man   had   it   coming   for   a   long   time   now.

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