Page 234 - Musings 2020
P. 234


                                                       The   Will

                Avanti   Sontakke   2017B4AB0613P,   Tanya   Syag   2017D2TS1242P   and   Chandra   Prakash   Joshi


               Renu:  a  petite  woman  in  her  early  sixties,  with  less  than  average  height  and  grey  hair.  She’s
               recently   widowed   and   lives   alone   in   an   old   two-storey   house   in   Borivali,   Mumbai.

               Saket:  Renu’s  26-year-old  son,  he  has  a  rather  crooked  nose  and  an  otherwise  average  build.
               He   lives   in   a   different   part   of   the   city   and   isn’t   a   frequent   visitor   to   his   mother’s   home.

               Mr.   Mehta:   Renu’s   lawyer,   a   bald   elderly   man   who   has   worked   with   the   family   for   years.

               Renu’s  front  hall,  the  most  spacious  room  in  the  house.  The  entrance  is  a  simple  framed  door
               leading  in  from  a  small  porch.  There  is  a  wooden  cabinet  to  the  right  of  the  entrance,  which
               stretches  from  the  floor  to  the  ceiling  and  is  filled  with  souvenirs,  books  and  family  pictures.
               The  wall  to  the  right  has  a  big  window  from  where  you  can  look  into  the  neighbour’s  yard.  A
               small  green  sofa,  with  two  plastic  chairs  on  either  side  of  it,  sits  touching  the  wall  opposite
               the  entrance,  slightly  off  centre.  A  short  rectangular  table  is  in  front  of  the  sofa.  Part  of  the
               dining  table  is  visible  from  the  door  to  the  left  of  the  sofa.  Close  and  perpendicular  to  it  is  a
               door  leading  off  into  the  kitchen  on  the  wall  left  to  the  entrance,  and  opposite  it  is  a  flight  of
               stairs.   The   walls   are   faded   yellow.


               The  doorbell  rings.  Renu  shuffles  out  of  the  kitchen  and  moves  towards  the  entrance  door.
               She   opens   it   and   there’s   a   look   of   surprise   on   her   face.

               Renu:   Saket!   What   a   surprise   son,   come   in,   come   in.

               (motions   him   to   enter   and   moves   towards   the   sofa)

               Saket:   It’s   good   to   see   you,   mother,   what   are   you   doing   this   morning?

               Renu:   Why   are   you   so   cheerful   today?   It’s   just   another   day   for   me.

               (coughing,   sits   down   and   Saket   sits   on   the   chair   close   to   the   window)
               Saket:   Oh   I’m   just   happy   to   see   you.

               Renu:   Yes,   you   look   very   happy   indeed,   what   is   it,   do   you   need   money?

               Saket:   (indignant)   I   come   to   you   only   for   money   right.

               Renu:   If   seeing   me   made   you   happy   you   would   come   to   see   me   more   frequently.

               Saket:   You   know   I   want   to,   especially   since   dad-

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