Page 34 - Musings 2021
P. 34
Ring of the Alarm Bell
Kushagra Gupta
Pyarelal could not prepare for any trouble, avoided himself another struggle
As his heart was in total rubble, sighing at the sight of any couple
His long-lasting love for her could have lived if she understood him even one bit
But she left him for that Handsomelal, said she could not stand his sight at all
Pyarelal was in total disgust, with the body which was rotten on the crust
So he cried until his eyes had dried, wept when he should have slept, lost interest in what he
was best
Lost interest in what he could, should, would become, his happiness just reduced to crumb
Summers and winters and summers went past, with Pyare losing hope at last,
“Tomorrow would mark my end, because this life is too much to contend”,
But that Pyare had a revelation, which would have him fill with elation,
Pyare’s conscience took his father’s shape, who was Pyare’s hero without a cape,
Pyare could remember weeping as he slept, as his father talked him about what all he had left,
As for his exact words, the only thing that Pyare would tell,
“Go figure yourself, what gets you up at the ring of the alarm bell”