Page 6 - Musings 2021
P. 6

K   R   Meera
               Indian   author   and   journalist
               Winner   of   Sahitya   Akademi   Award   (2015)


               The   pandemic   has   taught   us   some   important   lessons.

               That  the  nature  considers  us  humans  as  one  species,  not  as  different  persons.  The  fact  that
               nature  has  selected  a  microscopic  virus  with  a  single  strand  of  RNA  to  take  on  the  highly
               evolved   species   of   the   Homo   Sapiens   says   it   all.

               That  the  nature  is  for  equality  and  balance  and  that  the  key  to  survival  is  not  fame  or  power,
               but   the   readiness   to   adapt   to   the   new   norm.

               That  the  physical  boundaries  the  humans  set  are  meaningless,  that  the  nature  is  one  big  unit
               with   no   boundaries,   that   any   form   of   nationalism   is   absurd   and   that   any   form   of
               discrimination   will   ultimately   lead   to   the   destruction   of   all.

               And  the  most  important  of  all-  that  humans  will  survive  any  pandemic  as  long  as  they  can
               communicate   with   each   other,   the   secret   of   their   survival   lies   in   arts   which   is   all   about

               Hence   the   opening   lines   of   Musings   sound   futuristic   :   “Let   the   child   in   us   filled   with
               innocence,   curiosity,   and   a   limit   with   no   boundaries,   decide”.

               Let   there   be   no   boundaries   to   thoughts,   expression,   speech   and   love   lest   we   perish.

               Hearty   Congrats   to   the   students    and   faculty   of   the   Department   of   Humanities  and  Social
               Sciences,   BITS   Pilani   for   bringing   out   this   wonderful   edition   of   Musings.

                                                                                            K   R   Meera

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