Page 119 - Musings 2020
P. 119


                                                 Follow   your   heart

                                                                         Sashakt   Tripathi   2017A7PS0051P

               Once   upon   a   time,   there   was   a   clan   named   Gorans.   Gorans   was   one   of   the   few   ethnic
               communities  of  the  Harappa  civilization.  There  were  around  30  people  in  the  clan.  All  the
               important   decisions   were   taken   with   each   person’s   consideration   with   equal  weightage  to
               everyone’s  views.  When  Harappa  was  destroyed  by  the  deadly  rains  these  were  the  people
               who  decided  to  move  east.  The  clan  decided  to  settle  in  the  fertile  lands  of  river  Ujana.  The
               Ujana  lands  proved  to  be  better  for  agriculture  than  any  of  them  expected,  an  abundance  of
               food  led  to  an  exponential  increase  in  population.  As  the  population  increased  people  who
               controlled   important   resources   started  to  dominate  others.  Common  people  of  Doran  were
               now   not   allowed   to   participate   in   deciding   important   issues.

               Slowly  it  started  to  happen  that  the  number  of  dominants  got  smaller  whereas  the  number  of
               people  whom  they  dominated  started  to  increase  rapidly.  This  was  because  of  the  sheer  nature
               of   the   groups.  The  Dominants  always  wanted  to  be  fewer  and  wanted  more  people  whom
               they  could  dominate.  Slowly  they  started  to  Remove  competition  amongst  the  Dominants  by
               killing  them  hence  making  the  less  powerful  either  accept  their  superiority  or  flee  the  clan.
               The  rich  started  exploiting  the  poor  because  of  this  poverty,  unemployment  and  other  social
               evils  began  to  rise.  Everything  was  going  right  for  the  Masters.  They  had  formed  a  union  that
               controlled  all  the  resources  and  they  made  the  slaves  work  for  the  prosperity  of  the  union  and
               hence   for   themselves.   On   the   other   side,   people   in   the   kingdom   were   starting  to  feel  the
               effects   of   poverty   and   unemployment.   But   they   feared   the   Masters,   they   knew   what   had
               happened  to  those  who  tried  to  oppose  the  masters.  Love,  family,  and  responsibility  stopped
               the  people  from  doing  anything  against  the  powerful  Union.  But  there  was  one,  his  name  was
               Yara,   he   didn’t  have  a  family  to  love  and  hence  no  personal  restraint,  he  started  to  gather
               people   in   the   streets,   shops,   and   common   corridors.

               He  started  to  talk  about  problems  the  poor  face,  he  started  pointing  the  masters  for  these  and
               tried  to  get  people  talking  about  it.  The  masters  thought  the  problem  was  not  big  enough  to  be
               attention  to.  Yara  was  a  great  leader,  he  started  to  lead  people  into  the  rebellion  against  the
               Union,  he  made  people  realize  that  their  sheer  number  was  multiple  times  the  number  of  rich.
               One   morning   when   the   union   meeting   finished  and  Masters  took  to  streets  to  return  back
               home  from  the  great  chambers,  people  crowded  the  streets  and  killed  the  masters.  Union  was
               abolished   and   Yara   was   declared   the   leader   of   the   clan.   The   news   spread  like  fire  to  the
               neighbouring  cities.  The  union  in  these  cities  decided  to  look  forward  to  this  serious  situation,
               they  felt  even  they  may  face  if  not  taken  care  of.  They  analysed  the  problem,  the  solution  was
               put   forth,   the   Masters   wanted   themselves   to   not   get   blamed   for   the   wrongdoings   and
               problems  in  the  city.  They  decided  to  create  a  third  party  with  the  name  Rupee.  The  systems
               were   changed   such   that   now   slaves   would   not   work   for   Masters   but   for   money,   all   the
               problems  they  face  will  be  bestowed  upon  the  availability  of  money.  This  system  seemed  fair
               to  the  union  and  they  decided  to  make  a  central  authority  through  which  they  controlled  the
               flow   of   money   which   in-turn   controlled   the   people.

               Masters   still   exist   in   today’s   world.   Don’t   follow   money;   follow   your   heart.

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