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reminders  of  the  fact  that  what  he  is  doing  for  his  brothers  will  be  remembered  for  ages  to
               come,   kept   him   going   until   the   final   day.

               The  day  arrived;  he  washed  his  face  as  he  woke  up  at  4  AM.  His  hands  shook  for  the  first
               time  as  he  read  the  Namaz.  He  ate  his  breakfast  silently;  his  phone  was  intentionally  switched
               off.  He  needed  these  few  moments  of  contemplation.  As  he  was  beginning  to  delve  into  his
               world   of   unsolved   questions,   the   doorbell   rang   and   a   message   in   Morse   was   slipped
               underneath.   “God   will   be   proud   of   you.   Live   long,   son.”

               His  chain  of  thoughts  broke  and  he  started  packing  the  equipment  carefully  into  his  backpack.
               This  was  the  end.  All  this  will  come  to  an  end  after  today  and  he  can  peacefully  escape  this
               life  to  enter  into  his  new  life.  He  desperately  awaited  a  new  beginning.  He  closed  the  door  of
               his   small   apartment   behind   him   and   entered   into   the   busy   streets   of   Varanasi   for   the   last   time.

               As  he  placed  his  bag  on  the  road  and  was  about  to  unzip  it,  he  noticed  Jai’s  pharmacy  across
               the   road.   His   heartbeat   grew   uncontrollably   faster   as   he   saw   Jai’s   kids   come   out   of   the
               pharmacy   holding   his   hand.   They   were   grinning,   ear   to   ear   as   Jai   treated   them   to   ice   cream.

               Jai,  his  wife,  the  breakfast  at  his  home,  the  lane  where  he  got  shot,  everything  came  back  to
               him,  all  at  once.  “Why  did  Jai  let  him  in?  Why?  He  is  a  Hindu  at  the  end  of  the  day,  his  life
               was  at  risk  the  minute  he  healed  his  wound  that  night.  As  If,  stopping  his  blood  flow  wasn't
               enough,   Jai   took   him,   a   Muslim   in  Varanasi,  to  his  home  to  provide  him  refuge  from  the
               situation  outside.”  Imran  didn't  let  his  flow  of  thoughts  stop.  All  the  unanswered  questions
               dawned  upon  him  and  he  could  not  leave  them  unanswered  anymore.  The  contrasting  images
               of  Jai  and  Ali  came  before  his  eyes.  “Ali  was  his  brother  no?  One  among  the  many  brothers
               he  was  doing  this  for.  Ali  couldn’t  risk  anything  for  him,  he  was  indifferent  to  his  wound,  his
               need  for  a  home,  his  longing  for  comfort  in  this  alien  city.  Why  did  Jai  see  it  important  to
               address   these   needs?   Was   the   definition   of   brotherhood   inculcated   so   deeply   in   him,   too
               narrow-minded   to   be   lived   by?”   Brotherhood   transcended   the   boundaries   of   religion,   Jai
               showed  him.  He  came  into  his  life  to  give  a  new  direction,  Imran  felt.  If  he  takes  this  one  step
               today,  it  can  uproot  the  belief  in  the  humanity  of  people  like  Jai.  This  step  will  reestablish  the
               existing  boundaries  and  carve  more  boundaries  for  the  future.  Did  Imran  actually  want  the
               life  he  had  lived  to  be  passed  on  to  his  children?  “Planting  this  bomb  on  this  busy  street  and
               destroying  these  lives  is  not  courage,  Imran.  Bravery  is  what  Jai  did  that  day”,  he  spoke  to
               himself.   All   distinctions   blurred   for   a   moment.

               The  eager  ears,  miles  away,  were  longing  to  hear  the  news  they  had  been  waiting  for.  It  never

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