Page 142 - Musings 2020
P. 142

Allie  woke  up  from  her  sleep  and  started  crying.  I  could  feel  me  already  getting  weak  in  my
               knees.  The  cries  felt  like  screams  blasting  into  my  brain  as  if  someone  had  played  it  on  a  DJ
               night  as  I  was  standing  just  beside  the  huge  speakers.  I  went  outside  the  room,  grabbed  my
               earplugs,   and   tried   to   think   about   what   I   should   do.   My   mental   capabilities  were  getting
               drained  by  the  moment.  I  willed  myself  to  get  into  the  room  and  check  what  was  wrong.  I
               checked   her   diaper   first,   all   the   while   my   body   was   quivering.   The   diaper   was   clean.   I
               remembered  that  I  had  fed  her  but  tried  it  again  anyways.  She  was  not  hungry.  I  put  a  pacifier
               in  her  mouth  but  she  smacked  it  away.  Her  cries  were  now  gnawing  at  my  soul  of  being.  I
               couldn’t   hold   on   anymore   and  left  the  house.  I  couldn’t  think,  no  thoughts  materialized.  I
               waited  for  my  head  to  calm  down  and  decided  to  give  another  try.  I  took  the  rattler  and  tried
               to  divert  Allie’s  attention,  all  of  it  to  no  avail.  I  couldn’t  take  her  in  my  arms  as  I  felt  weak.  I
               wasn’t  sure  I  could  hold  her.  I  had  to  hold  my  head  as  well.  I  thought  it  may  fall  off,  just  plop
               down   my   neck   at  any  moment.  I  couldn’t  figure  out  what  was  wrong.  Why  was  the  baby
               crying?   I   was   helpless   to   make   it   stop.   I   tried   calling   my   wife   but   she   didn’t   answer.   I
               couldn’t  leave  Allie  as  well.  So  for  what  seemed  like  an  age,  I  was  just  sitting  there  beside
               her  holding  my  head  and  writhing  on  the  bed  willing  for  it  to  stop.  I  don’t  know  how  many
               minutes  or  how  many  hours  she  cried  for,  I  lost  all  sense  of  time.  I  even  blacked  out  a  few
               times.   But   as   suddenly   as   she   had   started   crying,   she   stopped.   She   passed   some  gas  and
               pooped.  I  just  sat  there  still  agonized  as  the  thumping  in  my  head  had  yet  to  stop.  Not  wanting
               the  crying  to  start  again  I  quickly  removed  the  diaper  with  my  unsteady  hands  and  set  it  aside.
               I   cleaned   Allie   and   dropped   down   beside   her.

               The next   thing   I   remember   is   me   getting   up   from   the   bed   at   6:30   in   the   morning.   The
               previous  night  felt  like  a  bad  dream.  There  was  no  sign  of  her  mother.  I  called  out  to  see  if
               Cindy   was   back   but   there   was   no   answer.   My   body   was   aching,  as  if  I  had  a  full-blown
               workout  the  previous  day  at  the  gym.  Allie  was  sound  asleep,  the  dirty  diaper  lying  on  the
               floor.  I  must  have  passed  out  then.  Of  all  the  things  that  make  me  weak  I  thought,  it  had  to  be
               her.  My  baby  is  my  kryptonite.  I  grabbed  a  glass  of  water  and  sat  down  at  the  couch  with  a
               thoughtless  mind.  I  had  a  new  message  on  the  phone.  It  was  from  my  wife.  She  said  she  was
               not  going  to  come  back.  I  am  not  sure  what  she  meant.  That  just  seemed  weird.  I  think  she
               forgot  to  mention  the  time.  She  must  have  wanted  to  say  she  is  not  coming  back  till  then  and
               so  time.  I  am  convinced  that  this  is  the  case.  It  cannot  be  anything  else.  She  knows  I  need  her
               to   raise   Allie.   I   am   still   exhausted.   I   fall   back   to   sleep   right   there   on   the   couch.

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