Page 146 - Musings 2020
P. 146


                                                    What   a   Day!

                         Abhiram   Manoj   2017A4PS0410P   and   Madhumitha   Muralidharan   2017B4A21194P

               Inspector  Jabaar  woke  up  to  the  sound  of  his  alarm  ringing.  He  had  already  hit  the  snooze
               button  three  times  before  he  finally  decided  it  was  time  to  get  out  of  bed.  As  he  half-heartedly
               put  on  his  uniform  he  wondered  how  he  would  pass  his  time  today  at  the  office.  With  a  heavy
               sigh,  he  wore  his  crinkled  uniform  that  was  frayed  at  the  sides.  and  just  as  he  was  about  to
               leave   his   house   he   got   a   call   from   Joey,   his   subordinate.

               “Sir,  there  has  been  a  kidnapping.  An  8-year-old  boy,  Rakunde,  has  been  reported  missing”
               declared  Joey.  It  took  Jabaar  a  few  moments  to  process.  It  had  been  years  since  a  crime  this
               major  was  reported  in  Pacifica.  “Send  me  the  location.  I  am  on  my  way  there”  replied  Jabaar.
               The  drive  was  surprisingly  short.  Jabaar  felt  a  surge  of  adrenaline  rush  through  his  blood,  a
               feeling   he   felt   had   been   lost   forever.   Pacifia   was   known  throughout  the  state  as  the  most
               peaceful  place  in  The  US.  This  resulted  in  the  government  drastically  reducing  the  number  of
               police  posted  there.  The  crime  was  basically  nonexistent.  “Nonexistent  until  now,”  he  thought
               just   as   he   reached   the   victim’s   mother’s   house.

               He  stopped  outside  what  looked  like  a  white  two-storied  bungalow.  The  place  looked  posh  on
               the  outside  but  this  view  was  changed  when  Jabaar  went  inside  as  once  he  went  in,  he  saw
               that  the  house  was  almost  empty.  “Are  you  Mrs.  Kapoor?”  asked  Jabaar.  “Ms.  Kapoor”  she
               mumbled.   Vidya   Kapoor   was   an   Indian   woman,   quite   short   with   a   lean   body.   She   was
               surprisingly  strong-willed  for  a  woman  who  had  just  lost  her  son.  That  being  the  case  Jabaar
               could   make   out   that   she   was   crying   before   he   reached   her.

               The  conversation  they  had  was  brief.  Vidya  only  suspected  two  people  of  this  action.  She  told
               him   that   their   names   were   Zucc   and   Susan   Hard.   Vidya   heard   about   this   website   called
       wherein  you  can  give  your  child  to  a  different  couple  for  a  few  days  and  enjoy
               a  few  days  all  to  themselves.  Vidya  being  a  single  divorced  mother  found  it  very  difficult  to
               take  care  of  Rakunde,  her  son  while  she  was  working  and  through  this  site,  she  found  a  nice
               old  couple  who  was  willing  to  babysit  Rakunde  during  her  working  hours.  Well,  at  least  they
               were   nice   initially.   They   started   becoming   closer   and   closer   to   him   over   the   years   and
               recently   they   offered   to   pay   to   spend   time   with   Rakunde.   She   was   happy   about  this  fact
               initially  but  when  they  started  dropping  him  off  later  and  later  in  the  night  she  decided  that
               this  behaviour  was  affecting  her  son’s  lifestyle  and  she  blocked  them  from  her  phone.  Vidya
               told  Jabaar  that  this  was  when  they  started  poking  too  much  into  her  life.  She  came  back  one
               day  to  find  that  they  had  visited  her  son  in  his  school.  Upon  searching  his  bag,  she  found  a
               new  phone  and  some  sweets  given  to  him  by  the  Hards.  Such  disturbances  stopped  after  she
               complained  to  the  website  about  the  misbehaviour  of  the  Hards.  To  her  shock  and  dismay,
               when   she   woke   up   in   the   morning   she   could   not   find   her   baby   boy.

               Jabaar  listened  to  all  this  intensely  and  told  her  that  he  will  see  what  he  can  do.  He  asked  if  he
               could  check  around  the  house  to  look  for  clues.  He  looked  around  the  house  but  couldn't  find
               anything   significant.   According   to   her,  the  doors  were  still  locked  in  the  morning  and  the
               windows   shut   properly.   It   looks   like   the   kidnapper   had   not   left   any   evidence   behind.  He
               decided   to   follow   his   only  suspects  and  go  meet  the  Hards  as  soon  as  possible.  He  asked

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