Page 189 - Musings 2021
P. 189
My Life Deposits
Akshay Nair
Robber 1
Robber 2
The big glass doors opened into a well-lit hall with a very fancy interior design layout. Entry
into the bank is overseen by a security desk to the left of the entrance, which is there to keep
a log of all the visitors. The ceiling was home to four columns of nine LED lights, all placed
equidistant to each other in the formation of a rectangle. The receptionist’s desk has been
placed a few paces in front of the entrance, to help customers by pointing them in the right
direction. If the room is assumed to be a boat, the far “port-side” region of it has three kiosks,
each with protective glass and a queuing line in front of them. The queuing lines have cues
marked on the floor for customers to position themselves accordingly. The “bow” of the room
has a seemingly plain and unpretentious white wall with a big vault door smack in the centre
of it. The vault has a grand circular door with twenty spokes, entirely of steel-reinforced
concrete, giving it a silver-grey finish. The door of the vault has its intricate security system
with a thumbprint scanner, a keypad, and an iris scanner. John enters through the front doors,
accompanied by his parents, Martha, and Robert. Reuben is sitting at the receptionist’s desk,
sorting out the files.
John: (tugging at Robert’s sleeve) Dad, why do banks have glass doors out in front?
Robert: Well, unfortunately, banks are notorious for the crime that occurs there. So, when the
robbers or thieves are inside the bank and keeping people hostage, the police can assess the
situation from the outside without having to start any violence accidentally while viewing the
crime scene.
John: (in awe) Woah, that is cool. But I am slightly scared of the bank because they look
quite big and scary from the outside and I have never been to a bank before.
Martha: (in a reassuring tone) Johnny, baby, there is no need to worry. The security personnel
at banks are very experienced and professional at what they do.