Page 190 - Musings 2021
P. 190

Reuben:   (having  overheard  the  conversation  unknowingly)  Well  kiddo,  your  mom  is  right.
               All   of   us   bank   personnel   are   trained   to   handle   emergencies  and  situations  as  well.  Those
               robbers   don’t   stand   a   chance,   okay?   What   is   your   name?

               John:   (after   hesitating   slightly,   says   politely).    John.   My   name   is   John   Goodall.

               (Reuben  gets  up  from  his   seat  and  puts  his  hand  out  to  greet  the  Goodalls.  Robert  shakes  his
               hand   while   Martha   puts   on   a   smile   and   mouths   a   ‘Hello’.   John   hides   behind   his   parents.)

               Robert:  (whilst  shaking  hands  with  Reuben).   Say,  whom  should  I  approach  to  open  a  new
               bank   account?
               Reuben:   Well   sir,   that   depends   on   who   the   account   is   for?   Is   it   for   the   little   one?

               Robert:  Yes,  my  son  has  recently  turned  ten  and  I  would  like  to  start  an  account  for  him.  My
               wife   and   I   feel   he   needs   to   learn   to   handle   money   on   his   own   and   be   responsible   with   it.

               Reuben:  (looking  at  the  whole  family).   That’s  great  sir.  It’s  never  too  early  to  start  teaching
               kids   good   habits   and   important   values.

               Reuben:  (looking  solely  at  John).   Well,  aren’t  you  a  big  boy  now?  Come.  Let  me  show  you
               the   way.

               Reuben  guides  the  Goodalls  to  the  furthest  kiosk  from  the  entrance.  He  points  the  parents  in
               the   right   direction.

               John:  (on  seeing  the  impressive  structure  in  the  wall  in  front  of  him).   Excuse  me,  but  what  is
               that?   It   looks   huge!

               Reuben:  (notices  that  John  has  his  eyes  fixed  on  the  gleaming  vault,  gestures  for  him  to  come
               with  him  that  way).   You  see  John,  this  is  a  vault.  It  is  what  banks  use  to  keep  valuable  items
               safe.   Many   people   are   worried   about   having   precious   items   stolen   from   them,   so   they
               approach   a   bank   and   keep   it   in   here   because   banks   are   one   of   the   safest   places   to   store
               valuables.   Along   with   that,   the   vault   contains   actual   money  and  gold,  which  people  have
               deposited   here   for   safekeeping.

               Reuben:   (gesturing   his   finger   over   his   mouth).    Shush,   don’t   tell   anyone.   It’s   our   secret.

               John:   (in   utter   disbelief).    Woah,   okay.   I   promise.

               (John   runs   back   to   his   parents   while  Reuben  went  ahead  to  inform  the  bank  personnel  in
               charge   about   the   Goodalls’   purpose   of   visit.)

               John:  (in  pure  excitement  along  with  those  big  glistening  eyes).   Mom,  Dad,  did  you  know
               that    that   thing   is   called   the   vault?   It’s   really   big   and   looks   very   cool.

               Robert:   (pats   his   son’s   head).    Yeah,   banks   are   a   cool   place   for   kids   to   visit.

               Martha:  (in  deep  thought  and  nostalgia).   I  remember  the  first  time  my  dad  took  me  to  the
               bank.  It  wasn’t  all  this  fancy,  and  it  wasn’t  very  safe  either.  But  I  dared  to  go  because  I  had
               my   dad   with  me,  and  he  always  used  to  make  me  feel  safe.  Your  grandfather  would  have
               loved   to   take   you   to   the   bank   for   your   first   time.   It’s   a   good   thing   he   is   here   with   us   in   spirit.

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