Page 252 - Musings 2021
P. 252

Jai:  (interrupting)  I’ll  explain  sir,  the  other  day  I  needed  some  photos  of  myself  in  our  school
               uniform,  you  know,  because  I  didn’t  have  any  of  them  in  my  home,  lest  it  may  be  required
               any  time,  and  these  two  guys  also  thought  to  have  themselves  clicked  with  me  today  because
               it’s   always   good   to   have   some   of   those   with   you   (smiling   hesitantly).

               Mr.  Reddy:  So  you  guys  felt  the  shortage  of  them  at  the  same  time,  huh?  Even  in  school,  I  see
               you   guys   asking   for   a   washroom   break   together   in   the   midst   of   class.   Teachers   have
               sometimes   sensed   the   identical   nature   of   your   answer   sheets.  What’s  this  synchronization
               between   you   three?   I   don’t   understand.

               Jai:  No,  sir,  it’s  not  like  they  don’t  have  any  of  them,  just  that  they  thought  of  having  some  of
               them   for   future   use   in   case   they   fall   short   of   them   soon.

               Mr.  Reddy:  (in  a  low  but  firm  voice)  I  really  don’t  want  to  create  a  scene  at  a  public  place.
               But   you   guys   compel   me   to   do   otherwise.

               Manav:   Apologies   for   any   misunderstanding,   but   trust   us,   we   stayed   out   this   late   due   to
               genuine   reasons.
               Mr.   Reddy:   Do   your   parents   know   about   this?

               Manav:   Yes,   sir,   how   can   we   not   inform   them?

               (Awkward   silence   follows   until   Mr.   Reddy   gets   an   incoming   call,   which   he   receives)

               (The   boys   murmur   amongst   themselves   while   paying   their   bus   fare)

               Jai:  That  was  a  close  shave.  If  we  make  it  through  this  journey  safely,  I’ll  pay  for  your  lunch
               for   three   consecutive   days.

               Manav:  It  would  be  better  not  to  engage  in  conversation  with  him,  else  the  way  Akash  has
               been   making   decisions   for   us   today,   I   fear   he   will   get   us   into   trouble   with   his   words   yet   again.

               Akash;  It  has  been  you  two  who  have  been  speaking  all  the  time  with  him.  Also,  why  do  you
               sound  like  I  hatched  a  conspiracy  with  Reddy  to  get  you  caught  by  him?  We  three  are  equally
               in    trouble   right   now.   Start   thinking   about   the   possible   excuses   if   he   threatens  to  call  our
               parents,   the   class   teacher,   or   even   the   Princi….

               Jai:  (interrupting)  you  haven’t  spoken  one  sentence,  which  did  any  good  to  us  today.  Thank
               you   so   much   for   making   it   look   even   worse.

               Manav:  No,  I’ll  take  anything  but  not  him   calling  my  parents  now.  I  had  convinced  my  Dad
               to  get  me  the  smart  watch,  and  I  won’t  let  this  guy  come  in  between  to  ruin  my  hard  work  of
               pestering   him   all   these   days.

               Jai:  We  aren’t  here  to  listen  to  you  flexing  right  now.  No  one  bats  an  eyelid  about  your  watch.
               Just   try   not   to   mention   much   about   parents.   That’s   the   key.

               Manav:   It’s   a   smart   watch,   though,   but   yeah,   understood.
               Akash:   Also,   the   speed   of   this   bus   isn’t   helping   our   case.   The   longer  time  we  stay  here,
               Reddy   will   get   more   opportunities   to   devour   us.

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