Page 148 - Musings 2020
P. 148

He  stormed  off,  frustrated  about  everything  that  had  been  happening  till  the  date.  He  could
               not  piece  together  anything  that  was  happening.  He  was  in  a  state  of  real  confusion.  Jabaar
               knew  that  finding  the  Hards  was  crucial  to  finding  young  Rakunde.  Flustered,  he  decided  to
               go   eat   something   and   get   back   to   work   on   finding   him.

               The  blistering  heat  was  not  helping  Jabaar’s  already  bothered  state.  As  he  walked  inside  the
               deli  to  grab  a  sandwich,  he  heard  the  names  ‘Mr.  Hard  for  your  three  sandwiches,  please!”
               His  ears  perked  up,  and  his  eyes  fastened  on  Mr.  Hard.  He  saw  where  he  was  sitting,  but  saw
               only  another  lady  sitting  there,  who  he  assumed  to  be  Mrs.  Hard.  Jabaar  hurried  over  to  the
               table.  The  couple  saw  him  hurrying  towards  them  and  got  up  in  a  rush  and  tried  to  run.  They
               made  it  quite  far,  but  eventually,  Jabaar  stopped  them,  and  sat  them  down,  and  tried  to  get
               them  to  confess  to  kidnapping  Rakunde.  The  couple  confessed  to  using  fake  names,  but  they
               claimed  it  was  only  because  they  were  actually  from  Finland,  and  their  visas  had  expired  and
               so  were  being  sought  out  by  the  government  to  get  deported.  They  also  claimed  that  Rakunde
               had  come  over  to  play  with  them  a  lot  because  they  were  so  anxious  to  be  around  children
               since   they   had   been   trying   for   a   long   time  but  were  unable  to  conceive.  At  this  moment,
               Jabaar  was  pretty  convinced  that  he’d  be  able  to  get  a  confession  out  of  them.  However,  they
               denied  having  seen  Rakunde  the  day  before.  After  having  confessed  to  everything,  including
               their  illegal  stay  in  the  country,  Jabaar  thought  it  was  a  bit  strange  that  they  were  claiming  to
               not  have  seen  Rakunde.  Perplexed,  he  took  off.  It  was  evening  time,  and  Jabaar  was  tired.
               Phew!  He  hadn’t  worked  like  this  in…  well,  forever.  He  grudgingly  decided  to  walk  back  to
               the   police   station.   As   he   was   turning  into  a  lane,  he  saw  a  small  young  boy  being  pulled
               across   the   road   by   some   man.   The   face   of   the   boy   seemed   familiar   to   Jabaar.   Then   he
               realised.  He  took  out  his  phone  to  see  the  photo  of  Rakunde  that  Vidya  had  sent,  and  turned
               once  again  to  look  at  the  small  boy.  It  was  him!  Jabaar  went  chasing  after  him  and  started  to
               shout  for  the  man  and  the  boy.  Rakunde  turned  around,  and  the  man  with  him  turned  as  well.
               And   believe   it   or   not,   the   man   was   Rakunde’s   father.

               “Sir,  did  you  take  Rakunde  from  his  home  without  informing  your  ex-wife?”  Jabaar  asked.  “I
               had  to.  I  had  to!  The  evil  woman,  she  hurts  my  son  so.  She  has  anger  issues.  She  does  not
               hold  back  on  hurting  my  little  Rakunde.   See  his  scars.  See  the  bruise  marks  on  his  chest,
               hands,  his  legs.  My  poor  son!”  Rakunde’s  father  cried.  Jabaar  recalled  the  broken  plates  he
               had   seen   in   Vidya’s   home   and   the   worried   look   in   Rakunde’s   father’s   eyes.

               Rakunde’s  father  told  Jabaar  that  he  had  sneaked  inside  the  house  with  a  spare  key  he  had  to
               the  house,  and  since  Rakunde  was  fast  asleep,  all  he  had  to  do  was  quietly  carry  him  and  take
               him  out.  After  hearing  this,  Jabaar  was  confused  for  a  moment,  deciding  what  was  to  be  done
               next.  Until  Rakunde  said  “Policeman,  please  don’t  make  me  go  back  to  my  mother.  She  hurts
               me   so   much,   and   every   part   of   my   body   hurts   all   the   time.   Please   let   me   stay   with   my   dad.”

               Jabaar  knew  at  that  point  that  it  was  not  Rakunde’s  father  who  should  be  punished,  but  his
               mother  should  be.  Jabaar  immediately  called  up  his  subordinates  and  sent  them  to  that  white
               bungalow  to  arrest  Vidya.  After  the  long  day,  tired  from  the  stress,  Jabaar  lay  down  on  his
               bed.  “What  a  day.  Pacifia  has  not  seen  one  like  it.   These  things  only  happen  once  in  a  blue
               moon   though.   I’m   sure   tomorrow   will  be  a  normal  day,”  Jabaar  thought  to  himself,  as  he
               closed   his   eyes   for   the   night.


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