Page 71 - Musings 2020
P. 71

The   2   AM

                                              Medha   Bhat   2017A5PS1082P

                Meet   me   at   2   am   dear;   I   promise   I'll   open   my   heart   out   to   you,   share   all   my   secrets   and   all   my
                                                     tears   with   you!
                Meet   me   at   that   hour   when   the   eyes   are   embraced   with   slumber;   I'll   lay   down   in   your   lap   and
                                              let   myself   open   in   your   arms!
                You   might   have   heard   of   people   being   eccedentesiast;   meet   me,   dear,   I'll   prove   you   not   every
                        smile   flaunts   happiness,   some   are   even   miserable   attempts   to   hide   the   pain.
                Meet   me,   love,   at   the   time   when   the   night   and   day   unite,   just   to   get   separated   again;   I'll   make
                  sure   your   fingers   remain   locked   between   the   gaps   of   mine   forever   because   even   though   I
                                      don't   own   you,   I   can't   bear   to   lose   you,   honey!
                  Meet   me   at   the   time   when   the   moon   meets   the   stars,   just   to   feel   the   darkness   of   the   night;
                        meet   me   at   that   time   for   I'll   show   you   how   time   falls   in   love   with   moments!
               Meet   me   at   the   hour   when   you   are   willing   to   shed   those   veils   off   your   soul,   at   the   nights   when
                   even   you   don't   know   whom   you   are   fighting   against;   I'll   make   you   believe   honey   that
                                        standing   alone   is   beautiful   and   not   painful!
                                  Meet   me   at   2AM   dear,   I’ll   prove   to   you   that   love   exists.

                                                                              -Thummala   V   V   Satya   Saran

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