Page 72 - Musings 2020
P. 72

The   Last   String

                                           Swadesh   Vaibhav   2017A7PS0030P

                                               She   was   the   sweetest   string,
                                             Among   the   other   five   she   knew.
                                           The   six   of   them   had   different   rings,
                                              But   she   had   the   brightest   hue.

                                           She   was   the   one   they   used   the   most,
                                           And   plucked   and   slammed   and   pried.
                                              The   other   five   were   used   to   it,
                                              But   she   always   wondered   why.

                                       “It's   because   you're   the   most   important   one”,
                                                  the   others   used   to   say.
                                             “Without   you,   we're   incomplete,
                                                No   you're   meant   to   stay”.

                                                Days   passed,   years   went,
                                            “Married   to   her   work,”   they'd   say.
                                         “Why   me?”,   she'd   ask   the   ones   she   knew.
                                                “You   were   born   this   way”.

                                       They   struck,   they   banged,   laughed   and   sang,
                                                 She   had   to   endure   it   all.
                                     Then   one   day,   she   broke,   and   the   singing   stopped.
                                                They   said   it   was   her   fault.

                                          “She   was   too   weak,   innocent,   too   shy”.
                                              “Poor   thing   is   beyond   repair”.
                                          They   sang   again,   now   a   different   song.
                                                “We   always   have   a   spare”.

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