Page 90 - Musings 2020
P. 90

Trapped   Within

                                             Jai   Vashishtha   2017B5AB0664P

                                             Beneath   his   smile   he   hid   a   truth,
                                        Which   was   told   to   him   by   a   sayer   of   sooth.
                                        And   this   game   he   played   was   clear   to   see,
                                           Yet   not   one   shed   a   drop   of   empathy.

                                        As   each   night   was   born   and   died   each   day,
                                            A   part   of   him   was   turned   to   grey.
                                          The   scars   he   earned   at   dawn   he'd   hide
                                              The   cause   of   it   he   still   denied.

                                               And   so   he   sat   and   rot   forlorn
                                        Not   a   shred   left   of   the   man   as   he   was   born.
                                          And   where   he   felt   his   heart   once   beat,
                                              Rests   a   slab   of   bloodless   meat.

                                            And   so   he   sought   to   right   his   path,
                                           Like   a   million   times   before   he   hath.
                                        Each   time   he   comes   back   to   his   old   ways,
                                             The   rope   he   holds   slowly   frays.

                                              And   as   he   lay   to   rest   one   night,
                                          A   sound   so   loud   shook   him   with   fright.
                                           It   was   merely   but   the   midnight   bell,
                                            But   with   it   came   the   God   of   Hell.

                                            And   to   think   it   was   just   his   pride,
                                           That   had   not   once   ever   left   his   side.
                                            But   what   is   one   man’s   pride   worth,
                                       When   man   becomes   one   with   mother   Earth.

                                              Thus   his   time   in   jail   complete,
                                           He   lost   it   all   but   never   admit   defeat.

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