Page 174 - Musings 2021
P. 174
Coach: So what has been in this team that’s been bugging everyone out? Clearly there is
something wrong with everyone. This season has been frustrating for everyone out there.
This team cannot survive even against kids this way.
Iniesta: Boss, Xavi’s absence is something of a concern for everyone. What he brought on the
pitch and off the pitch cannot be matched. Team had a better environment when he was in the
team. And I would be saying this for the team, yesterday’s rushing to the hospital has been
something of a huge distraction. He is a close friend to all of us. And seeing him in distress
caused us to be distracted.
Coach: But you have to understand that we must continue. The fans are expecting something
out there and we must give what they want. This is our obligation for the fans. You have got
to understand that some people out there live for football. So football has to go on. For them.
They deserve our best performance. This is the least we can do. And as for Xavi. Yes he is a
great part of the team. Many of you have 5 to 7 years, day in and day out. Though I have been
here only for a few months, but then, I also understand that he is an important part of the
team. So,have faith and I know he will…
Coach notices someone entering the room. He’s coming towards him. The person seems to be
delivering some message to him. There is complete silence in the room except the murmurs
from the conversation between the coach and the messenger. After a few minutes.
Coach: I don’t know how to put it. We have lost Xavi. May God bless his Soul?
Silence continues in the room.
After some time
Iniesta: When did this happen?
Coach: Half an hour ago. During the match. Knowing his devotion for the club, his wife
called straight over here to let us know.
Coach: I know he has been a great mentor to all of you and a great player to coach. I
understand if you would like to abandon this match.
Iniesta looks at ever: Boss I think I speak for everyone when I say that we have to play this
match. For Xavi. Because he never would have wanted us to quit like this. We have to do this
for him.
(There is unanimous agreement from all the players.)
Coach: But the way you have been playing…..?
Iniesta: It will change. This one will be directly from our hearts. Cause many of us are here
because of Xavi and were like a younger brother to him.
Coach: Okay, I understand.
Assistant Coach: Halftime’s about to be over