Page 226 - Musings 2021
P. 226


                                           SARODEC   Technologies
                                                     Rishabh   Surana




               A  huge  dining  room,  well-lit  with  a  gigantic,  sparkling  chandelier  dangling  from  the  ceiling
               which  is  centrally  placed  according  to  the  dimensions  of  the  room.  Seated  on  two  ends  of  a

               long  dining  table,  placed  in  the  centre  of  the  room  directly  underneath  the  chandelier  are  two

               The  table  is  filled  with  a  plethora  of  delicacies  and  dishes  waiting  to  be  devoured.  Underneath
               a  massive  mantelpiece,  north  of  the  dining  table,  a  large  electricity  generated  fire  is  burning
               keeping  the  room  warm  in  the  middle  of  a  cold  December  evening.  Above  the  mantelpiece,
               on  the  wall  rests  a  beautiful  Mona-Lisa  portrait  almost  acting  like  a  third  silent  participant  in
               the  discussions  taking  place.  In  a  deep  baritone,  Ron  begins  a  conversation  with  his  friend
               and   fellow   business   partner   Declan.
               Ron:  Let’s  begin  eating,  eh  Dec?  Grab  a  turkey  leg,  I  had  this  specially  prepared  for  you  by
               my   sous   chef   since   I   know   you   like   it.
               Declan:  Thanks  Ron,  I  really  appreciate  it  however  unfortunately  as  much  as  I  love  Turkey,
               and  as  much  as  this  smells  delicious,  quite  frankly  I  don’t  have  much  of  an  appetite.  It  is  all
               because  of  the  recent  happenings  that  have  taken  place  and  I  just  don’t  feel  hungry  in  general
               these   days.
               Ron:   Yes,   I   know   Dec.   Similar   to   you   my   friend,   my   hunger,   happiness   and   general
               well-being  has  gone  for  a  toss  too  after  what  Sam  did  to  us.  I  can’t  live  like  this  anymore  and
               the  reason  why  I  called  you  for  dinner  was  to  discuss  the  way  forward.  However,  as  angry  as
               I   feel   just   like   you,   in   my   opinion   we   shouldn’t   punish   our   bodies   for   something   an
               ungrateful,  selfish  business  partner  did  to  us.  Let  us  eat  first  and  then  we  shall  plan  on  getting
               Sam   out   of   our   lives.

               Declan:   Hmmm,   yeah   I   guess…
               (Declan  Picks  up  a  turkey  leg  in  a  rather  unenthusiastic  manner  and  begins  eating.  Ron  also
               begins   drinking   a   bowl   of   soup.   Both   men   focus   on   their   meals.   All   talks   are   held   to   a
               standstill   and   slurping   and   munching   noises   are   the   only   sounds   that  can  be  heard  in  the
               room.   After   a   few   minutes   Ron   begins   to   speak   again.)

               Ron:   Well   Declan   let’s   get   down   to   business   shall   we?
               Declan:  No  wait,  before  we  do  I  really  want  to  sit  and  get  everything  out  of  my  system.  I
               mean  I  just  want  to  summarise  every  appalling  thing  he  did  to  us  so  that  we  have  more  reason

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