Page 229 - Musings 2021
P. 229
room becomes extremely cold and Ron and Declan both put on their coats, puff deeper on
their pipes hoping for some warmth and continue their conversations)
Ron: Isn’t that a bit too much Dec?
Declan: (In a very angry and strained voice, shaking in rage begins to speak) Tell me one
thing, do you not truly hate Sam? Do you not hate the fact that his existence has pushed us
from the role of partners in our company to virtually nothing? Do you not hate the fact that he
continues to look down at us, disrespects us publicly and always looks for the opportunity to
shine on his own? That self-centered idiot has to go. I don’t care if you aren’t on board with
this but this has to happen and no one can stop me from executing this plan, not even you!
Tell me do you want in on this or not?
Ron: (In a passionate voice) yes, yes and yes. This is a permanent solution and it also ensures
that he doesn’t ever come back. I am on board with this but….
Declan: Yes I think I know what you are going to say, that the issue with the z security
applies here too in your opinion. That is what concerns you right?
Ron: Yes, exactly that. How do we bypass that?
Declan: (clearing his throat). Ever heard of the assassin Barnabas?
Ron: Of course, He was the guy who pulled off the assassination of the Chief Justice of
London last year right? I heard he is number 3 on the list of Interpol currently. What a
notorious criminal he is! But what has that got to do with Sam’s murder?
Declan: What if I told you I could get him on board for the assassination of Sam?
Ron: Are you kidding me? How’s that possible
(The lights turn back on and the warmth of the room is restored, Declan and Ron take of their
coats and settle back down on their seats)
Declan: Well I have connections with the British mafia, Sam might be the talk of the town but
hey I have my reach too and I can get in touch with Barnabus’s representative. He is the best
in the business. He will be able to get through to any security be it the prime minister’s
security, be it z security be it anything. He will get the job done.
Ron: But one query here, won’t we run the risk of getting caught ourselves?
Declan: No, do not worry about that, we will place an anonymous call using a phone and sim
card which aren’t registered with any company in the world. Just to be safe, upon placing the
call I shall destroy the phone and sim card thereby reducing the risk of getting in trouble to a
big fat 0.