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everyone.   In   fact,   this   could   have   a   horrible   backlash   on   us   and   potentially   Sam   could
               convince  the  board  to  kick  the  two  of  us  out  for  dissent  or  something  of  the  sort.  We  must
               realise  whether  we  like  it  or  not  that  Sam  has  greater  backing  from  the  board  than  us.  This
               plan   simply   won’t   work.

               Declan:  Yeah  you  are  right,  damn  my  anger  and  frustration  is  interfering  with  my  thought
               process.  Sorry  for  the  bad  idea.  I  am  just  unable  to  think  clearly  at  the  moment.  Ughh,  Do
               you   have   anything   in   mind?

               Ron:  I  was  thinking  about  a  plan  to  obliterate  his  image  forever.  Here  it  goes…  We  invited
               him  over  for  dinner  at  my  place  ok?  Next  we  get  him  extremely  intoxicated  with  the  aid  of
               some  fine  wine  mixed  with  some  opium  pellets  I  managed  to  get  my  hands  on.  (Ron  gets  up,
               goes  over  to  the  mantelpiece  and  picks  up  a  small  box  and  shows  Declan  the  pellets  and  then
               returns  to  his  seat).   After  that  I  will  call  a  few  women  over  and  then  together  we  pick  him  up,
               put   him   in   a   bedroom  and  thereafter  click  compromising  and  embarrassing  photos  of  him
               with  the  women.  We  can  then  anonymously  release  those  photos  on  the  internet  and  make
               them  available  to  the  top  news  agencies  and  newspaper  companies.  Then  it  becomes  pretty
               obvious  what  happens  thereafter  and  lo  and  behold  Sam  is  out  of  our  lives  and  the  cherry  on
               top   is   his   tarnished   image   and   reputation.

               Declan:  Ron,  while  this  is  a  gem  of  a  plan  I  personally  don’t  think  this  would  be  able  to  be
               executed   to   perfection.

               Ron:   Why   is   that?

               Declan:  Think  about  it,  Sam  travels  around  with  Z  security  ok  ever  since  he  has  become  the
               so  called  ‘one  man  army’  of  SARODEC  technologies.  Let’s  assume  we  call  him  over,  get  him
               drugged  and  then  lift  him  into  the  bedroom.  His  security  will  be  right  outside  and  then  they
               will  see  the  women  entering  the  house.   They’d  think  something  is  fishy  and  as  a  result  they’d
               conduct  a  check  of  the  house.  In  my  opinion  the  risk  far  outweighs  the  benefits  we  may  reap
               after  the  execution  of  this  plan.  Had  he  not  had  all  that  security  and  protection  I  would  have
               absolutely   been   on   board   with   this   plan.

               Ron:   Damn,   you   do   speak   sense.   I  did  not  think  about  this  aspect,  man  nothing  seems  to
               (Both   men   light   a   pipe,   recline   on   their   chairs   and   go   into   deep   thought,   thinking   of
               something   that   could   work.   After   a   few   minutes   almost   simultaneously   both   men   shout….)
               Ron   and   Declan   together:   I   got   it!!!!
               Ron:   Wow,   crazy   coincidence   huh?   We   got   an   idea   together.   What   are   you   thinking   about?

               Declan:  (In  a  very  dark  and  serious  tone)  Ron  we  have  got  to  murder  him.  I  don’t  see  any
               other   way   out.

               (At  that  very  moment,  the  sound  of  thunder  erupts  through  the  sky,  the  power  goes  off  and
               the  flickering  of  lightning  through  the  window  is  the  only  source  of  light  in  the  room.  The

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