Page 188 - Musings 2022
P. 188
him in the abdomen is a pair of scissors, but I already got them checked for blood using luminol.
Not a drop on them. So where did the dagger go?
Sullivan: The killer probably took it with him. Also, that should take the suspicion off me right?
I have no way of getting my hands on the keys, enough to prove me innocent.
Marple: You could’ve taken them after killing him.
Sullivan gave a grave stare at Mrs. Marple, she got the idea and broke eye contact.
Dianne: That stands for any of us. Makes us all equally probable to be the killer. And why are
we not thinking of it as an outside job? Anyone in the world could’ve killed him for all I know.
Moriarty: Nobody except the three of you may have a motive to kill him. Sullivan’s case is the
only one he has been working on for months, all his other cases were won by him as simple
open and shut cases. The three of you seem to be the only ones who can be suspected as of
now. Mr Sullivan, may I ask a few personal questions? Only if you agree of course, we can
always take these to the station.
Sullivan: No, it’s fine. Anything which helps with the investigation. And keeps me away from
the hassle of coming to the police station.
Moriarty: Thank you. Can you describe your relationship with your wife please? As in the
reason for filing a divorce?
Sullivan: Well, it’s a long story. To keep it short, Me and her, we had our differences. I loved
another woman and she was not keen on understanding the situation and filed that case on me.
Moriarty: I see. Can I have her number please? It would be nice to hear her sentences as well.
Sullivan: I don’t get what is the need of all this? How is my married life relevant to the case?
She would anyways not be able to come, she is out of town, will be back tomorrow.
Moriarty: You were the victim’s last active client and a suspect with a motive to kill. The details
of your divorce case are extremely relevant in order for me to make the correct deductions and
serve justice to the victim. The number please (Moriarty hands him his personal pocket diary
and a pen)
Sullivan writes down a number in the diary and hands it back to Moriarty hesitatingly.
Sullivan: It’s the hotel where she would be staying. Ask for a Mrs– Miss Judith Green.
Moriarty: Madam (He turns towards Mrs Marple) would you be kind enough to let me use your
telephone downstairs?
Marple and Moriarty leave.
Sullivan: (Turns to dianne and his gentleman mask is off now) You’re Frank’s wife? I had no
clue. What the actual hell.