Page 234 - Musings 2022
P. 234

Marconi: Did you just interrupt me mid-sentence kid.

               Alanzo: Sorry Boss.
               Marconi: Why? Why would it be different?

               Alanzo: Boss, cause this time Stefan is after him.
               Marconi: Who’s Tiffin?

               Alanzo: No Boss, Stefan!

               Marconi: (Takes two seconds to think) That scrawny little kid? You think he can take over

               Alanzo: With all due respect boss, that scrawny little kid is the best man you’ve got.
               Ferdinando: Hate to agree with him but he is right, boss.

               Waiter walks in and puts 5 different star-shaped metal pieces on the table next to Marconi.

               Leonardo: Master, the new police recruits came in to pay tribute. They tore their batches off
               their sleeves.

               Marconi looks up to the bar. 5 men in police uniforms bow their beer to Marconi. Marconi
               shrugs lightly like they don’t even exist. No one is surprised.

               Leonardo (CONTD.): So the 62 Dalmore as usual sir?
               Marconi: Nah, I’m feeling heavy today.

               Leonardo: I’ll get our best whiskey master. Leonardo rushes towards the bar.

               Marconi: (Pointing towards Ferdinando) What were you saying?
               Ferdinando: Boss, Stefan is indeed our best man, he may be young but his life has been very

               difficult which has sculpted him to be the man he is today.
               Alanzo: Yeah boss, his dad used to abuse him since he was seven.

               Ferdinando: His father was indeed an evil man.

               Alanzo: His dad gave him a scar on his neck just because he could.
               Ferdinando: Although he uses that scar as his signature now on his victims.

               Marconi: What do you mean?
               Glass shatters all across the table as the window beside them breaks into pieces. Before they

               could wrap their heads across what had happened, a body slams onto the center of the table.

               It’s a man with his back facing the ceiling.
               Marconi: (Loudly) Who in the world is that?

               Ferdinando reaches out and turns the body. It is Santiago’s body
               with an arrow-shaped scar carved into his neck.

                                                       THE END

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